
If you are living in our area, or you are considering a move to this area, we hope that you will choose to come visit us in person.

This is a congregation of people from diverse walks of life, all ages and many interests. It is a congregation seeking to worship after the pattern set forth in the scriptures, with no head but Christ, overseen by elders meeting scriptural qualifications and served by deacons who lead in the many tasks and works undertaken by a congregation of this size. It is a congregation which has a great desire for greater knowledge of the word of God and in which the study of the Bible is encouraged in numerous ways.

If you visit us, we encourage you to linger for a little while after our classes and worship assembly so that we can meet you. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask!

God’s Plan of Salvation

  • Hear: Romans 10:17
  • Believe: John 3:16
  • Repent: Acts 17:30
  • Confess: Rom. 10:9-10
  • Be Baptized: Acts 2:38
  • Be Faithful: Rev. 2:10